a place






about us

Our big dream?

To sprinkle the magic of literacy

into children's lives with awesome books,

top-notch resources, and a cozy hub for

all things reading and writing.

We're on a quest to make a legacy

that'll have kids cheering for

generations to come!

Our mission?

To arm kids with the power

of storytelling, shaping them into the rockstar

leaders of tomorrow's world.

Let's get those creative juices flowing!

Kennedi rae, CEO/author

is seven years old and a first-grade student. She started reading at the age of three and published her first book at age four. She always has something to say, thus, her first book was written. She loves dancing, swimming, writing, and reading.

Eustacia, Mompreneur/co-author

is a global talent acquisition leader by day and a mompreneur by night. She believes that every child has a story to tell, and when they speak adults should listen. She enjoys writing with her daughter, Kennedi Rae, and spending time with her husband and son.

mohamed, illustrator

believes all children deserve to have their uniqueness celebrated, and hopes to create books to do just that! He is a father of twin kindergarten girls and a three-year-old son. When he is not changing the color of his hair, Mo enjoys drawing, writing, singing, and performing.

ken's journey

The Inspiration

At three years old, Kennedi Rae fell in love with the first Black Vice President of the United States. Pictured here, Kennedi is watching then-Senator Kamala Harris accept the nomination.

Autographed Copies

Kennedi Rae enjoys signing autographed copies of her books. At four years old, she began signing her first book, Kennedi Meets the Vice President.

First School Presentation

Kennedi Rae completed her first book report in pre-k. Her report was made out of a cereal box based on her book.

Skin Color White Brush Background


Pink star illustration
february 14

National Black Literacy Day

Pink star illustration
Books on Bookshelves
Handdrawn Pile of Books
Handdrawn Quotation Mark

Literacy is very important for

self-development. Here’s living proof.

Happy National Black Literacy Day!

Stay up to date on Kennedi s next book release Visit her website kenreadbooks net Visit her swag store kenreadswag com Follow kenreadbooks on IG Facebook TikTok

As depicted in the photos, the passion for reading of our six-year-old CEO, Kennedi Rae, began at a young age. By the age of 3, she was already reading independently. She published her first book at 4 years old. National Black Literacy Day holds a special place in Kennedi's heart and serves as the foundation for establishing her company, Ken R.E.A.D. Books.

Now, let's delve into 5 intriguing facts about literacy:

1. Transformative:

Literacy can profoundly alter an individual's life trajectory.

2. Early Impact:

Students who master reading by third grade boast an impressive high school

graduation rate of 89%.

3. Empowering:

Reading is a revolutionary act within communities of color.

4. Cultivating Community Love:

It fosters a sense of community and belonging among readers, nurturing their

affection for their surroundings.

5. Critical Period:

If children haven't caught up with reading by nine, 75% of them may grapple with literacy challenges throughout their lives.

Books on Bookshelves
Ribbon Banner Outline




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